Another Day in Paradise


We loved going to the Kimberly Diner.

It was very small, and the patrons were very loud, but the food was very good - simple things, breakfast and lunch food.

The waitress and owner would call everyone “Happy people,” as in her greeting, “Hello, happy people,” or “What can I get for you happy people?”

That’s why we called it the Happy People Diner.

One day, as we were paying, I casually asked the cashier, “So how’s it going?” He replied immediately, and surprisingly, “Another day in paradise.”

I was amazed. What an interesting thing to say.

I kept on thinking about that. What would another day in paradise feel like, here on earth?

Certainly, a delicious meal – that’s got to be part of it.

How about a day with no cares, like a Saturday?

And there’d be surprises, yes - lots of happy unexpected surprises, like walking through a garden with hidden gifts, scattered among the flowers, and among the bushes.

Paradise has to be a beautiful place too. Yes, lots of beauty, maybe some sculpture, maybe some birds for music.

And there’d be many stone paths leading to other gardens – unexplored, new fresh, happy.

Perhaps we did walk into a piece of paradise when we walked into that diner.

What would another day in paradise look like to you? Perhaps you are partly there already, too.

Date Recorded: 
Friday, August 18, 2017
Date Posted: 
Friday, August 18, 2017
Type of GEM: 
GEM of the Day: 
Sunday, May 5, 2024
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