Every year we like to visit the rose gardens at Boothe Park in Stratford, Connecticut. Even from several feet away, one can smell the beautiful and pungent scent of the various types of roses. Once inside the garden, one can see all the different sizes, shapes, and types of roses - more than seem possible.
It is like a Wonderland of Flowers. Some are red, some are pink, some are yellow, some white, some purple, some orange, and some are even multicolored. Inevitably, some are buds, while others are partly bloomed, and still others are in full bloom.
There are benches among the flowers, so the beautiful environment can be taken in. There are also beautiful fountains that create a soft lulling sound, with the water sparkling in the sun.
Even the animals find this to be a beautiful area. Birds can be seen flying among the bushes, and rabbits scamper across the grass, while every once in awhile, a very large, furry groundhog makes an appearance. Butterflies land on the petals. Even pretty bugs come to see the beautiful flowers.
If you are ever in the area, and get a chance to go during rose season, it is a magical, enchanting experience.