Life is a Beach


Life’s a beach
Spending the day at the beach
At least at hour
Here in Cove Point, Stamford
The boats coming thru
The water glistening
I am thinking this is really making me feel a lot better
I can just feel
The calmness from the sea
The ripples of the wave
I am so grateful I am able to be here today
If only a brief period of time
The time here can be such a renewal
To my spirit, to my physical self, my emotional self
The only thing I am looking at
The children playing
The barbquing, smelling the aromas
The dogs
People really just having fun with each other
And that is what life is suppose to b,e having fun with each other
And with our selves
Just always remember to put fun in your schedule
It wasn’t convenient coming today
It was a bump in my plans
But I knew in coming here today
It would have such a great effect on me
By making this trip down here
If only for any hour
Make sure you take
The me fun time for yourself
And only you can take yourself away
People can say life is a beach
Life is a beach

Beach ocean barbeque Stamford Cove Point dogs fun

Cindy M. Miller
Date Recorded: 
Friday, July 21, 2017
Date Posted: 
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Type of GEM: 
GEM of the Day: 
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Issues Addressed: 
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