Heart Speak provides a world community for people to share uplifting, positive experiences quickly and easily using 2-minute audio recordings, which we call GEMs (Great Energy Moments).
By “energy” we mean: emotion, thought, intuition, awareness, consciousness, chi, life force - all of these.
Together the GEMs form “The Art of Amazing Yourself,” seeing all life through a positive lens.
The only way to really know something is to experience it first hand. Each GEM presents an experience, in the voice of the person who lived it, speaking heart to heart, friend to friend with you. What worked for them, so may you try too. What joy they felt, so may you feel too. What visualizations they gave, so may you imagine too.
It’s as if you are in a 24 hour by 7 day, worldwide gathering, sharing wisdom and positive stories about energy, mind, and happy emotions. We’ve been in many such gatherings, often in a person’s home, and they are a true joy. We love being around like-minded people willing to share their experiences, each honoring the other, and allowing everyone to be themselves and express themselves. They talk about things dear to their hearts, and often unapproachable in any other situation. No-one is trying to convert anyone’s way of thinking, only to share what worked for themselves. This is just such a gathering open to everyone, everywhere, all the time. It is beautiful.
Heart Speak is inclusive of all religions and all positive philosophies. Take what you want, and leave what you do not. If one GEM doesn’t feel right to you, then skip it, and try another.
A GEM is either a personal story or a visualization, each with many variations. The personal story is something that uplifted the speaker like a fond memory, a remarkable coincidence, etc. The visualization is composed of uplifting imagery, affirmations, sound effects, etc. all mixed together.
We know that amazingly good things happen for everyone, sometimes appearing miraculous. Often the person is reluctant to share their story because they feel they may not be understood. Heart Speak encourages such stories, and provides a community that actually honors and wants to hear these stories. So, if you’d like to share a story or visualization, please record and submit it as a GEM. We encourage you to be creative in what you say in your GEM and how you say it. Heart Speak must approve a GEM in order to be placed on the website. In this way, we assure that everything here is positive.
We believe that all the people of the earth can make audios and create a global network of positivity. We like to consider ourselves the good news network. We offer inspired ways to bring out your gifts, that you may not even realize you have. All GEMs are simple and powerful ways to co-create your day.
The GEM of the Day is an easy way to quickly receive a boost of positive energy. We want Heart Speak to be clear and easy to use, so we welcome your suggestions and comments.
We add new GEMs continually. We see thousands of GEMs, and millions of people listening to GEMs daily, and creating GEMs, with technology and without technology, feeling better, happier - spreading a spark of positive energy that illuminates the world.
We look forward to building and growing together, one GEM at a time.
Our Vision
Copyright © 2017-2021 Heart Speak, LLC.