Serenaded by Frogs


I’m in a concert
I’m being serenaded
I walked out
Listen to this
It’s amazing
The sounds of summer
The warm weather is here
And I am up in New Preston
I was just leaving a great event with friends and I said
Listen, listen to this
Wow you can be entertained anytime during the day by nature
You just walk out and there it is
I love the sound of the serenade
Encore, encore
There is all kinds of music out there
But the music of these peepers, frogs and nature
I just can’t explain it what a concert this is
You don’t need tickets
You have front row seats
Great sounds
I hope you get to experience this one time
Where you just walk out
And un-expectantly you are just greeted by the serenade of all these tree frogs
Thank you for the performance
I hope to see you again
Thanks for listening

Tree frog
New Preston CT

Cindy M. Miller
Date Recorded: 
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Date Posted: 
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Type of GEM: 
GEM of the Day: 
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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