Listen to the wind
I am up here in Goshen, Ct
I came up to pick up my brothers dog Buddy
They are going to Ibiza, Spain
I am going to be the dog sitter
When I came up here
Goshen is one of the highest elevations in the state of CT
I just sat up on the back deck a little metal rocking chair
As I breathed in the fresh air
And just felt the breezes as I look out unto the yard
With the green grass
And the meadow
Hearing the birds chirp
Wow, I feel like I am on vacation
Even though I am doing an errand
Often when we do our errands
As we help other people
There is such a benefit in it for us as well
As we get a perk
Of having the opportunity
To go to a new place
Soak in the surroundings
Feel the fresh air
The wind against your cheeks
Just gives you a whole new spirit
A whole new attitude
I am so grateful
I came up here today to pick up Buddy
I look forward to watching him in the next few weeks
But it is just also the experience
of helping someone
as I am helping someone
I am receiving back by
just enjoying the surrounding
So take a moment as you are doing your errands
As you are enjoying your surroundings
What is there for you to take in
And enjoy in your Spirit
A new way to greet and start your day
For all you pet sitters out there
I hope your pets are behaving
And enjoying the company of you as well