
How Now Peace - Opening a Door for the Oppressed

Suppose our thoughts can help make peace on earth, in your lifetime, starting right now – the end of violence – the end of the barbaric age.

Consider the people being oppressed.

I picture them wandering now in a grove of trees, tall and pungent, with the ground moist and soft. I picture them happily stepping on stones to cross a brook, trickling, soothing.

I picture them walking thru an open meadow of tall grasses with a sun umbrella, sparrows appearing and disappearing.

Come to the Lake of Calm

Come to the lake of calm. It sits there open to you.

You will not find it in travel books, nor upon any map ever made.

Because you do not “go there,” but rather “tune-in,” like dialing a radio station.

Many of us keep this place ready for you. Holding a space of pure peace.

Thousands, if not tens of thousands, if not far more, offer this collective vision. We pour out thought-power, our peaceful energy, our imagination into this “place,” this little realm, if you want to call it that.

We combine our thought focus to offer this.

Thank You Earth Geniuses

I was born into a prepared place here,
Where geniuses leave their marks,
That everything is better still.

Thank you you who first sung a song.
Perhaps the birds led the way.

Thank you you who first baked a pot from clay.
Perhaps fiery stones led the way.

Thank you you who first made a word.
Perhaps the call of sheep led the way.

Thank you you who first picked berries and nuts as food.
Perhaps you watched the deer and squirrel.

From Bane to Blessing or the Jewel in the Crown

Let’s play a game.

Imagine that you had no enemies.

No, I don’t mean you should imagine that all the things you think are your enemies died or went away. What I mean instead is to imagine that all those things you think of as your enemies were actually your friends. A friend is someone or something that serves your highest good, that helps you learn and grow, that reflects back to you who you really are and that at the very least doesn’t get in your way as you travel through life.

Calm in the Corona Whirlwind

You’re staying home.
You’re washing hands.
You’re drinking water.

Now what?
Are you still anxious?

Do you realize the entire world is now focusing single-pointedly on well-being?
Everyone in their own way.
Vast numbers, hidden, like stars in the sky in the daylight.

The doctors and nurses and researchers in their way.
The caregivers in their way.
The people of all religions in their way.
The light-workers in their way.

Another Way of Looking at Corona

The world is stopped, on pause, from its frenetic pace.
Perhaps people, the earth, and our busy-ness need a rest.

The roads are empty.
Perhaps people see better “nearsighted” now and then.

People look for groceries and food.
Perhaps people appreciate better the abundance we took for granted.

People’s daily routines are all “off-kilter” and disrupted.
Perhaps the habits were also a box that now is not.

The good Lord loves all animals

For all you animal lovers, here’s a story that many people have heard of: Francis and the Wolf.

Francis was told there’s a vicious wolf out there, killing sheep, defenseless sheep, and attacking their shepherds. So he goes out into countryside, and the wolf comes up to him, and the wolf is snarling.

He lifts his cross up. The wolf kneels down, prostrates himself, and he sees the reason for the wolf doing what it was doing.


(singing) “Christ is risen from the dead. Trampling down death by death, and to those in the tombs bestowing life.”

I love that chant, the Paschal Troparion chant about Christ being risen from the dead.

And sometimes I feel like I need to be risen from the dead. And to be mindful of the gift of life.

Today Is a Good Day

I hold open a space for good things to come to me today,

Things that make me smile and remember being a young child,

Where everything was enchanted and unknown,

Like a forest unexplored,

Yet with paths here and there, and beyond.

I invite good surprise into this day today.

I declare I am awake to the hidden world that’s woven into the world we see,

Where my intuition is strong, alert, and deep,

Where I sense the meaning in the smallest of things – a feather on the ground,

And every sign you leave for me.

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