
Doing Nothing

There’s nothing like doing nothing.

I feel liberated, carefree, as if all responsibility is paused, and I am placed in a state of open wonder, able to just be.

Some may find it totally boring, perhaps a waste of time – not me!

My imagination is piqued, and ideas appear, as if clearing away everything that was blocking them. My senses are more, well, “sensitive,” magnified. So, I see and hear beauty around me more easily.

Jingle Bell Run

We live on a quiet street. Each house is surrounded by a wooded acre. Our only excitement is watching small wild animals frolic in our yards.

On the first Saturday in December all that changes. The Community Center holds “The Jingle Bell Run.” The first year of the run, about thirty people participated and they were probably the committee members.

This year hundreds participated.

On the morning of the event, everyone registers at the Community Center and gets a number and a necklace of bells.

Secondary Foods

Hi again it's Marilyn Fuller. We talked about the Circle of Life before – Primary Foods, and touched upon Secondary Foods, but today it’s about Secondary Foods, and yes, you can integrate Primary Foods into that.

Primary Foods

Hi, it’s Marilyn Fuller again: health coach, nurse, nutritionist.

I talked to you last time about the Circle of Life: primary foods, secondary foods. Primary foods being Relationships, Regular Activity, Fulfilling Career and Economics, and Spiritual Practice. Once you are satisfied and balanced in those areas, you’ll be happier and more fulfilled. You’ll be satisfied with life!

Then you can go on to what you're putting in your mouth, which is secondary Foods.

Feeling out of Balance?

Hi, this is Marilyn. I‘m a nurse and a wellness coach, with a specialty in nutrition.

Today I’d like to talk to you about the “wheel of life” and the “total wellness” team approach to balance your life, between primary foods and the enhancement of secondary foods.

Now, what are the primary foods? The 4 core primary foods are: exercise, spirituality, career and economics, and relationships. When these are not balanced, we are not balanced.

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