Personal Story


I love sunflowers. I mean, here is a flower that grows bigger than me. It is gigantic. And the seeds are so visible, so wildly bountiful, and so orderly arranged.

I see them growing in the community garden, and I admire their towering, poetic, lilting stance.

There are two local farms that plant thousands of sunflowers – acres and acres - and let you walk among them. It is breath-taking. So many circles of purple-black with a rim of yellow against a backdrop of greens and a light blue sky – like nature is looking with 10,000 eyes upon the world.

The Scroll and the Tree

I read in a book how in Japan, at cherry blossom time, people write little poems, roll them up, and hang them with long ribbons from cherry blossom branches, to honor the trees.

I can imagine all these pink and white blossomed trees everywhere, with sensitive people writing thoughtfully and emotionally, rolling up a little scroll, and tying it with a ribbon, probably red, to a tree branch.

What a kind gesture to the earth.

And then the poem energy fills the air, like prayer flags do in Tibet, and is taken far and wide, as it sways in the wind on the blossom branch.

Path in the Woods

Did you ever walk through the woods on a path?

How many people before you did it take to wear that path into the forest floor?

There’s a trust in following it. That it will lead to someplace very good, and be safe and interesting in the journey.

And in a very literal way, I am reliving the journey of the people before me on this path. I can almost sense the other people still here, in a very real way, their imprint.


I grew up as a basketball buff. Once I was a player, and a person who follows the sport, in all phases: professionally, college, high school, grade school.

And the thing that I remember is that a lot of people tell you, “You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t make it because other people are better than you.” And I constantly fought that.


How you value life. How I value it is, if you can put your shoes on each morning, you’re ahead of the game.

I come from an era of people being crushed by polio, either killing them or dismantling their ability to walk, talk, work, because the virus attacked their nervous system and they weren’t able to function.

Some when people say to me, “How are you doing today?” And I say, “I can put my shoes on today.”

I look at it very basically, and I can function.

Good Nutrition

All the foods that we are close to, both drink and hard food, vegetables, fruit, etc., how do you know if they are good for your body?

There is an easy way of finding this out. The autonomic nervous system, which lies down the center of your body in the front of you, all the way down to your belly button, can identify, if you hold the product in front of you under, your chin, dead center in your body.

If it is good for you, you will tilt forward.

If it’s not good for you, you will tilt backward.


I’d like to talk about a subject that many patients are bothered by, and that is anxiety, either at work, with family, relationships, friends, whatever.

There’s a point on your ear, on the topmost of your ear, there’s a “v”. That is your anxiety point. If you take your left hand and put it on your ear point, that is where this point is.


To heal, you have to forgive.

If you’re bound with old thoughts about people who you haven’t let go because they have hurt you, you will have difficulty healing. Body parts, all functions well. Pain seems to hang on. And you ask the patient, “Have they forgiven everything?” And they will say, “Yes, except.” And they will recall the exact incident, sometimes many years ago, where they have been hurt.

So once they deal with the situation, then they can start to function again on a normal basis. But they must let this go.

The Outer Limits

Did you ever want to go beyond what technology offers?

Way beyond what governments offer?

Way beyond what art or entertainment offer?

To live beyond the horizon of now.

I really like the idea of the outer limits.

A place in the unknown that has discovery everywhere.

Yes, it’s like being a child again – seeing what is in the world – this place and time I find myself in.

Plato believed that everything already exists – every idea, every work of art, every everything – and that we only need to discover it, find it, uncover it.

How Long Can You Smile?

How long can you smile?

Can you consciously keep a smile for a day? for an hour? for 3 minutes?

I’ve tried this, and it does take effort.

Even consciously returning a gaze with a smile.

There are those rare people who always seem to have a smile – they actually always seem happy.

At the supermarket, anywhere where there are strangers, it is kind of fun and interesting to hunt for visually happy people.

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